The Magick of Food 6



Written By Priestess Hypatia

For Coven Life



So let’s start this article with a little Poetic Medicine……


An Ode to Garlic

Oh Garlic, what homage

can we bring you

and your graced state

of bulbousness?

Packed tightly into

your little white dome

we want to break you open

and spread your cloves like

shining white pebbles onto

the shores of our meals.

Continue reading this beautiful poem by

By Lara Kirsten


‘Eat no onions nor garlic, for we are utter sweet breath, and I do not doubt but hear them say, it is a sweet comedy’

-William Shakespeare in a Midsummer Night’s Dream.


A wonderfully pungent herb that has been known for its ability to ward off vampires and the like, is considered a staple in many people’s diets around the world. My nona would always hang a big bunch of garlic by the door, mentioning it was to keep the bad eye out. As a child never really knew what that meant. I do now and a bunch of garlic is always hanging in my kitchen.

As a main feature in our culinary world, the humble garlic demands its presence in the medicinal home apothecary because of its numerous benefits. With all these wonderful components combined and its availability and accessibility garlic is renowned as a superfood and hailed for its healing properties since ancient times. Hypocrates the father of medicine swore by its healing properties, curing anything from infection to leprosy.

As a member of the Lily family, garlic is the cousin to onions, leeks and chives. It averages about 2 inches in height and consists of small separate cloves. There really is nothing like the taste of garlic. It stimulates the palate hitting it with a hot pungent and subtle sweetness. No wonder so many have written odes and poetry to this incredible plant. I hsve added some above.

A native to Central Asia garlic has been cultivated for over 5000 years. The ancient Egyptians considered it as sacred and was placed in the tombs of Pharos for the afterlife. It was not only the food of Kings and Gods but was also given to the slaves that build the Pyramids. Its known medicinal properties made garlic a valuable commodity in the world of labor. Healthy workers meant better productivity, better productivity meant advancements, better advancements made a strong, sustainable and superior civilization.


Propagate this wonderful hardy perennial or biennial by simply planting its coves in rich, moist soil that receives plenty of sunshine.


You can add garlic to pretty much anything that is savoury. Its addition will only benefit the dish and according to medical literature your health.


Garlic bread- by mashing a couple of cloves, add some chopped herbs to about 130g of butter. Make incisions in the bread roll or baguette, insert lavish wads of the buttery herbed garlic butter, wrap in foil, place in a hot oven and heat till butter melts approximately 15 min. Unwrap foil and allow bread to crisp in oven for a further 5 min and voila- done!


Garlic provides numerous health benefits including:

  • Heart health support
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Immune booster
  • Reduces hypertension
  • Stabilizes cholesterol
  • Antibacterial and antiviral benefits
  • Anti-cancer support

It can be taken as a supplement in both capsules and powder. Fresh is best though.

Medicine for colds and flu in the winter season

This may assist in relieving sore throats because of its antimicrobial action. I love using this when I feel like I may be coming down with something.

Combine 1 part Witches Brew- fire cider (recipe below) and 1 part Honey or raw coconut sugar. Honey is best know for its antimicrobial properties that has been used since ancient times.


Often seen as an herb of protection, garlic has been used in cleansing rituals, in legend and modern times especially against vampires. Now don’t just think as vampires as blood sucking monsters. Its an energy that can come in the form of anything from psychic to microbial, this is why vampires are usually connected to things such as insanity, disease and pestilence.

In ancient Greece it was placed upon a pile of stones at a crossroads to invoke Hekate. As a powerful amulet garlic will ward off any negativity and evil energy. Now, for those who worship the Goddess Cybele, as the herb is sacred to her, it is recommended that this herb is avoided. You can also substitute garlic for wolfsbane.

Magickal Recipe


Let’s have a look at a wonderfullly healthy immune boosting and delicious way to keep the vampires at bay with this classic recipe inspired by Rosemary Gladstar back in the 70’s. Offering protection against the unseen forces. Tweek it to your liking. This herb offers wonderful protection both on a spiritual energetic level and medicinal one. Never underestimate its a ability.


Mason Jar- any jar will do.

Organic (always best), raw, apple cider vinegar, this is also filled with probiotic goodness, balancing out the good microbes in your tummy.

3 or 4 cloves of garlic peeled and chopped

2  medium onion, peeled and chopped

1or 2 small bulbs of ginger, fresh, shredded. I must admit more is better for me anyway. This is a great anti inflammatory!

1 teaspoon brown and yellow mustard seeds. These also come in black which when making for protection is a good addition.

½ teaspoon hot peppers of your liking (this is optional). This really is the spicier the better.

½ teaspoon black peppercorns or cayenne pepper.

½ teaspoon horseradish root peeled and shredded, another great anti- inflamatory.

½ teaspoon combined herbs of your choice such as cinnamon, turmeric, and rosemary I love using thyme and oregano. All of these are also antimicrobial and anti inflammatory.


  • Combine all the ingredients, fill a jar.

Pour the Apple Cider Vinegar over the contents to cover.

Cap, label, shake daily for a few weeks, storing in a cool, dark place.

Strain use cheese cloth or fine mesh fabric.

Pour into amber bottles and label for storage.

Use as a salad dressing ingredient, combine with oil, add to rice and other grains, I love this on steamed asparagus.

Take as take as a tonic especially during the winter months.

Shelf life is about several months. I love making this is small batches.


Most importantly please follow your doctors medical advice. The above information is general advice only and not to be in place of your usual medical treatment. 


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