Witch Quickie Wednesday – My Cleansing Spiritual Bath

Merry Meet Magickal Souls, it’s time to take a peek into my bathroom because I’ll be showing you a bit about my Cleansing Spiritual Bath.

Order your personalized Angel Messages and Channeling with me here: https://witchcraftandmore.com/divinat…

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUjo…

All of my hand-made products are available here: https://witchcraftandmore.com/enhance…

Bright Magickal Blessings to you,
The Silver Sage Witch of


Wo! Open your eyes and receive that which you’ve been asking for!

Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thank you!!

♥Contact me at v.baltimore@web.de to purchase my quality, HAND-MADE, jewelry from Germany! Here’s the link: https://witchcraftandmore.com/hand-made-jewelry/

Follow my NEW blog here: https://witchcraftandmore.com/

♥Mantra for this week: As I sit in meditation and clear my mind, the answer I seek now comes.

Be sure to ask the Angels for help. They are there for us.
Oh, and please, please be sure to lift someone up today!

Bright Magickal Blessings to you and your family,
The Silver Sage Witch of

Angel Messages & Advice for the week of 18 May 2020 by the Silver Sage – Sideways 8

Prioritize now! Watch my video to find out what the Angels are referring to!

The start of my new series is getting closer, so to find out what’s really going on, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and follow my blog. YES, this is exciting!
I’ll put the links to both, down below.

https://newfound-life.com (follow my blog here)

Message me for a Tarot card reading, or Specific Angel card messages and advice at:

I wish you all understanding, balance, and peace!
the Silver Sage

P.S. Please practice ACTS OF KINDNESS towards yourself and others.

Coronavirus. Angel Messages for the whole week of 9 March 2020


Because of spinal cord problems, Lyme disease, & unfortunately a few other challenges, I’m not able to work a normal job at this time, so anytime you click LIKE on any of my videos, FOLLOW my blog ( https://newfound-life.com/blog-post/ ), and SUBSCRIBE to my Youtube channel, you are helping me in more ways than you can imagine.

Thank you so sincerely, Victoria Baltimore, the Silver Sage of NewFound-Life.com ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Natural Magick and the Magick of the Mind

Written By Priestess Hypatia

For Coven Life


Before we begin to work Magick we need to understand what Magick is and where it comes from.

“You are the most powerful tool in your life. Use your energy, your thoughts and your magick wisely!” “Magick is an art; using reality and the world as its canvas.”

Dacha Avelin

Throughout history the mystery of the human mind and its infinite powers has intrigued many philosophers dating back even further than the ancient Egyptians.

It is humanities natural disposition of ‘thinking’ that is one of the most powerful tools designated to our species. Anatomically human beings have the largest prefrontal cortex across all primates. This part of the association cortex is implicated in higher cognition and affect, one that simply translates as:

Humans have the ability to hold on to an idea, one that could guide our future decisions. It allows us to set goals, choose appropriate courses of action among many options, suppress unwanted and unacceptable responses and reactions and determine and correlate the relationship between objects and concepts. Now does that sound familiar, it should, as it’s the foundation of Magick!



The above ‘Thinker’ is a wonderful example of humanities ‘predisposition’. Yes we live more so in our heads than any other species. Sometimes good sometimes bad, but its moderation that is the key to a balanced human life. Possessing this incredible cognitive behavior possibly separates us from the other living creatures.

On the positive, it allows us to set tasks by holding information to initiate and sustain activity. We are able to observe and detect that activity through emotional regulation. This is done by anticipating and monitoring stimuli through switching our attention enabling us to execute control over life’s situations. Once again, all this should sound familiar as it the foundation of Magick!

“Be mindful of your self-talk. It is a conversation with the universe. You are a being, full of infinite possibilities! Focus your mind with positivity and you will have dictated the direction of your journey, your soul and your being, cascading in infinite abundance.”

― Angie Karan

Moderation for Abundance

Is the key to a balanced human life, one that has the potential to be filled with Magick at every breath. It is the power of the mind that allows Magick to be used for good or ill.

Magick is neither good nor bad, IT JUST IS, however this is a setting for another conversation.

The great injunction of the Greek Mysteries that were the predecessors of the Egyptian Mysteries was ‘Know the self’. In doing so, you understand that the true will and power was of the mind, this is where all the Magick you will ever need lies. How you perceive the world around you is what sets the stage for you as a practitioner of the Magickal arts, first and foremost you need to begin with understanding and healing YOURSELF as the only way to change your life is to change yourself first.

The Liberated Mind

The concept that we own nothing, that all we have is on loan, is a worldwide notion among many indigenous cultures that still holds true to their traditions. The seed of selfishness and greed takes root in the subconscious stirred by insecurities, this is where moderation needs to be applied.

Through will power, faith, imagination and concentration a liberated mind is able to draw to themselves the things that they need by awakening their endless powers one that allows you to experience abundance.

Communing with your own mind and becoming one with the Natural World is the definition of ‘as within so without’, Uniting with the Cosmic Mind is ‘as above so below’ both are one and the same- this is the true essence of Natural Magick. For instance, in order to connect to the element of fire, you need to become that element, same as becoming a mountain, stream, eagle, cat, snake etc, you see through their power, their eyes, their being, or their inanimate structure. This is the theory of say when a Magickal practitioner can turn into a cat, a tree, a bird and in Greek Mythology- Mountains, rivers, mythical creatures and even elements.

So how is this done?

Through the Power of the Mind!

The following is an extract from the ‘Flying Rolls’. Papers written by members from an order called the Golden Dawn.

One such paper is entitled “A few thoughts on Imagination” dating back to 1892.

‘Imagination creates a form on the astral level (now known as astral projection) or even some higher plane that makes it as real and objective as our earthly surroundings’.

It then goes on to say that;

‘Imagination must be distinguished from roving thoughts and empty vision resulting in an orderly and intentional mental process’.

‘To practice magick, both practice and will must be called into action’

In the next series

I will be looking at The Elements and the Magick they hold.

Natural Magick


Written By Priestess Hypatia

For Coven Life



Some Definitions for a Better Understanding:

Natural– existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind

Magickexceptional skill or talent or the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces

Practicalsensible and realistic in their approach to a situation or problem or likely to succeed or be effective in real circumstances; feasible.

“Egyptians termed Nature Herself a magician, because She has the alluring power to draw like things by likes; and this power, say they, consists love; and the things that we so draw and brought together by the affinity of Nature, these they said, were drawn by magick”

-Giambattista della Porta


Natural magick is a practical way of transforming, transmuting and translating Natures divine code by understanding Natures miracles, respecting Her laws and working to the benefit of all and everything.

Philosophers, prophets, priests, priestesses, Druids and Chaldean’s all practiced the ancient art of alchemy that is now known as science. ‘For natural magick is nothing but popular science, cosmology, geology, optics, plant products, medicines, poisons, cooking etc’. In other words, magick is in the stones, the flowers, the stars the wind at dawn and the sunset at dusk.

Does all that sound familiar?

It should, as the above examples are some of the basic foundations of what a Witch does and has always worked with.

This knowledge has been passed down throughout humanities history making it accessible to the modern day magickal practitioner by observation, by recorded history and of course experimentation.

Natural magick is not just about amulets, chanting and spell work. It encompasses the philosophical aspects of nature and has attracted the likes of Theophrastus, Aristotle, Avicenna and Agrippa. For the inquisitive mind natural magick is unavoidable. Observation of Natures elemental matrix has stimulated some of the greatest modern minds as well that include Tesla, Einstein and Beethoven just to name a few. However, you do not need to be a genius to understand and practice natural magick, that’s what makes it so practical. You do however need to have an enthusiasm and curiosity for the natural world as it is through this portal that all the other dimensions of what we recognize as our alternate reality can be accessed. Understanding the foundations of Nature’s laws is not only essential but important for the ethical and moral practice of magick.

Throughout history and modern times, from the Shamans of Siberia to the Druids of the Isles, natural magick has woven its law into the tapestry of such ancient cultures giving birth to folklore, myth and legend.

In the continents of Africa, the Americas, Australia, Asia and Europe peoples understanding of the natural laws has allowed them to continue their Earth Walk since the beginning of time immemorial. They understand that it’s not about changing Mother Nature, it’s about assimilating and merging with Her.  Magick works because of Nature’s laws, not in spite of them.

Humanities quest to understand the laws of Nature have been long and arduous.

When one works against the natural laws the consequences are here for our observation, one being climate change, bringing on dis- ease of all that it touches from planet to plant to animal.

When one works with the laws of Nature the benefits are wondrous, including longevity, preservation, and conservation and good health of the planet and the persons. Such efforts are rewarded with Nature’s pharmacy of clean air, clean food, clean water, clean energy, and clean medicines (direct from Nature and not synthetically produced).

All we need is the ability to see it, understand it and apply it.

Our ancestors lived close to the earth, they held an intimate relationship with the Great Mother and through observation and devout worship they could predict the behavior of Nature and Her phenomena.

Did you know that……

The layers of a locally grown onion can indicate the severity of the coming winter. This is not prophesy, this is observation.

In the first of the series- I will be mentioning one of the greatest instruments of magick and where it ALL starts- The Magick of the Mind.

Psychic Shield

We all need to protect ourselves from unwanted energies that we pick up from others, so today I thought I would share with you a modality that is completely mine that you can use on a daily basis to protect yourself in your path of being a witch.

When we pick up others energies, we are taking on their emotions and moods. This shield should be practice at lease once a day, so either in the morning or at night, whichever is best for you.

Start by getting comfortable, and a place you will not be disturbed. Start by closing your eyes and releasing tension or anxiety as much as you can.

Now visualize a purple light surrounding you, starting at the top of your head and then flowing down your entire body, through your heart Chakra down into your feet and then releasing into Mother Earth.

Now remember the purple light will get stronger and stronger and it is filling your body and its origin comes from the Goddess and God of your choice.

Next you will let the purple light come back up into your feet and then it surrounds your entire body into an oval shape, expanding out from your body. As the light forms around your body it encases you and it stretches out for 2 inches, then four inches, then 6 inches out from your body.

Now, affirm this statement: “The power of the Universe has surrounded me. Therefore the purple light around my aura is strong and protected, whereas it will repell any and all unwanted energy from others. I am safe within the boundaries of this purple light and nothing can harm or affect me. So mote it be!”

Now image the purple light going into the Universe, but the protection shield around you will remain enforced.

Now severe the rest of the energy by placing your hands about your head and slowly coming down and touching Mother Earth.

This is a very strong modality that I can up with about six months ago and it is very strong. I use it daily.

Blessed Be,


Crystals for the Beginner Witch

Witches I thought it would be a great idea to post today on what crystals that is good to use for the beginner witch. When I started out on my journey in witchcraft I started looking at what crystals I could you and I found it hard to find the information therefore that is why I choose to post this today to help my fellow witches.

List of crystals that every witch should have in their witch toolbox…

Hematite: this is good to use for grounding, protection, and scrying

Rose Quartz: this is good for promoting love and helps fight anxiety and depression.

Clear Quartz: this is good for protection, healing, and clarity.

Selenite: Prevents bad dreams and great for clarity.

Amethyst: Used for protection and helps to rebut effects you don’t want.

These stones will help every witch out there in everyday life and for use during rituals or really anything and everything in your life.